We are the representative organisation for Micro and Small Industries and manufacturing value-add industries in Tanzania. TASSIM provides an essential link for co-operation,
dialogue and understanding with the Government by representing the views and concerns of iits members to the relevant authorities.

TASSIM is a membership association that seeks to represent the interests of Small-Scale Industries, Processers and Manufacturers who have been largely under presented at many levels ranging from policy makers and other related stakeholders.

Despite its importance and big presence across the country Micro, Small and Medium (MSMEs) industries, processors in Tanzania have not been able to form a national level association that can fully represent they myriad of challenges that face the sector.

Many of them have not been able to join current associations due to the existence of many setbacks including high cost of membership joining fees, subscriptions fees, annual fees, and other related terms and conditions.

TASSIM sets to become the voice of voice-less of Micro, Small and Medium (MSMEs) industries, processors and manufacturers in ensuring that they fully participate in building Tanzania economy as per Vision 2025.

Small and medium-scale industries have remained a veritable tool for industrializa-tion among nations.